Weather stations nearby Szczecin


24 mph
Rain and windy
19 min ago
Max 66.2° 12:30 PM
Min 53.6° 8:00 PM
Dew point 51.8°
Wind 24 mph
Wind direction 280° Blowing from
Relative humidity 94% relative
Pressure 29.44 inHg
Observation at kl 8:00 PM. The weather station Szczecin is 3 mi southeast of Szczecin.


16 mph
29 min ago
Max 62.6° 11:50 AM
Min 53.6° 6:50 PM
Dew point 48.2°
Wind 16 mph
Wind direction 280° Blowing from
Relative humidity 82% relative
Pressure 29.44 inHg
Observation at kl 7:50 PM. The weather station Heringsdorf is 35 mi northwest of Szczecin.


11 mph
79 min ago
Max 63.0° 12:00 PM
Min 53.2° 7:00 PM
Dew point 51.6°
Wind 11 mph
Wind direction 290° Blowing from
Relative humidity 94% relative
Pressure 29.38 inHg
Observation at kl 7:00 PM. The weather station Swinoujscie is 36 mi north of Szczecin.


9 mph
79 min ago
Max 68.2° 1:00 PM
Min 56.8° 7:00 PM
Dew point 52.3°
Wind 9 mph
Wind direction 210° Blowing from
Relative humidity 85% relative
Pressure 29.21 inHg
Observation at kl 7:00 PM. The weather station Resko is 43 mi northeast of Szczecin.


18 mph
79 min ago
Max 60.1° 4:00 AM
Min 53.1° 7:00 PM
Dew point 48.7°
Wind 18 mph
Wind direction 280° Blowing from
Relative humidity 85% relative
Pressure 29.21 inHg
Observation at kl 7:00 PM. The weather station Trollenhagen is 52 mi west of Szczecin.

Gorzow Wlkp

2 mph
79 min ago
Max 69.4° 12:00 PM
Min 57.0° 7:00 AM
Dew point 52.9°
Wind 2 mph
Wind direction 190° Blowing from
Relative humidity 83% relative
Pressure 29.18 inHg
Observation at kl 7:00 PM. The weather station Gorzow Wlkp is 56 mi southeast of Szczecin.

Greifswalder Oie

34 mph
Rain and windy
79 min ago
Max 59.7° 12:00 PM
Min 55.6° 7:00 PM
Dew point 49.3°
Wind 34 mph
Wind direction 290° Blowing from
Relative humidity 79% relative
Pressure 29.32 inHg
Observation at kl 7:00 PM. The weather station Greifswalder Oie is 62 mi northwest of Szczecin.


7 mph
79 min ago
Max 66.0° 1:00 PM
Min 57.0° 7:00 PM
Dew point 53.4°
Wind 7 mph
Wind direction 260° Blowing from
Relative humidity 88% relative
Pressure 29.35 inHg
Observation at kl 7:00 PM. The weather station Kolobrzeg is 67 mi northeast of Szczecin.