Weather alerts near Pražmo

Expected frost up to -2 °C can cause damage to vegetation, especially vegetables, grape-vine and blossoming fruit trees.

11 May 22:00 → 12 May 05:00


Expected frost can cause damage to vegetation, especially vegetables, grape-vine and blossoming fruit trees.


BE AWARE, keep up to date with the latest weather forecast. Expect some minor disruption to outdoor activities.
Issued by
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute

Expected frost up to -2 °C can cause damage to vegetation, especially vegetables, grape-vine and blossoming fruit trees.

12 May 22:00 → 13 May 05:30


Expected frost can cause damage to vegetation, especially vegetables, grape-vine and blossoming fruit trees.


BE AWARE, keep up to date with the latest weather forecast. Expect some minor disruption to outdoor activities.
Issued by
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute

Yellow Thunderstorm warning for Poland - Slaskie Province Cieszynski County

Śląskie Province Cieszyński County
11 May 12:00 → 11 May 20:00


Thunderstorms are forecasted accompanied by the precipitation amount to 20 mm and wind gusts up to 65 km/h. Risk of hail.


BE AWARE that thunderstorms may occur. Take extra care in exposed areas like mountains, forest and open terrain. Disruption to outdoor activities is possible.
Issued by
IMGW-PIB, Marine Meteorological Forecast Office in Gdynia
Source: EUMETNET - MeteoAlarm
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