Weather alerts near Näset

Yellow High water discharge Southern Norrland

Southern Norrland
1 May 22:00 → 12 May 21:59


Fast snowmelt has led to high flows in ditches, streams and smaller rivers that now gradually are reaching the larger rivers.

What to expect: Fast flowing water in rivers and smaller watercourses. Flows that occur every 5th to 25th year on average. Risk of flooding along lakes and watercourses.

Where: Area from northern Jämtland and Västernorrland counties down to Gävleborg and Dalarna counties.

Comments: Flows in small streams have peaked, and also in some larger streams as Moälven and upper Voxnan.
Issued by
SMHI, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute

Yellow High water discharge Southern Norrland

Southern Norrland
12 May 22:00 → 11 Jul 22:00


Fast snowmelt has led to high flows in ditches, streams and smaller rivers that gradually reaches the larger rivers.

What to expect: Fast flowing water in rivers and smaller watercourses. Flows that occur every 5th to 25th year on average. Risk of flooding along lakes and watercourses.

Where: Area covering large parts of Västernorrland and Jämtland counties.
Issued by
SMHI, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Source: EUMETNET - MeteoAlarm
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