Weather alerts near Middenhoeve

Thunderstorm - Warnings for Gelderland - The Netherlands

13 May 16:00 → 13 May 21:00


Thunderstorms with a chance of wind gusts around 60 km/h and hail. BE AWARE that thunderstorms may occur. Take extra care in exposed areas, like mountains, forest and open terrain. Disruption to outdoor activities is possible.
Issued by
KNMI Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute

Thunderstorm - Warnings for Utrecht - The Netherlands

13 May 16:00 → 13 May 21:00


Thunderstorms with a chance of wind gusts around 60 km/h and hail. BE AWARE that thunderstorms may occur. Take extra care in exposed areas, like mountains, forest and open terrain. Disruption to outdoor activities is possible.
Issued by
KNMI Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
Source: EUMETNET - MeteoAlarm
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