Vädervarningar nära L'Hospitalet de Llobregat

Moderate rain warning. Litoral de Barcelona

Litoral de Barcelona
28 apr 00:00 → 28 apr 09:59


One-hour accumulated precipitation: 20 mm. Ocasionalmente acompañadas de tormenta.


Be aware, keep up to date with the latest weather forecast. Moderate damages to people and properties may occur, especially to those vulnerable or in exposed areas.
Utfärdat av
AEMET. State Meteorological Agency

Moderate rain warning. Prelitoral de Barcelona

Prelitoral de Barcelona
28 apr 00:00 → 28 apr 09:59


One-hour accumulated precipitation: 20 mm. Ocasionalmente acompañadas de tormenta.


Be aware, keep up to date with the latest weather forecast. Moderate damages to people and properties may occur, especially to those vulnerable or in exposed areas.
Utfärdat av
AEMET. State Meteorological Agency
Källa: EUMETNET - MeteoAlarm
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