Weather stations nearby Qarchak


0 mph
Clear sky
40 min ago
Max 86.0° 4:30 PM
Min 66.7° 6:30 AM
Dew point 24.8°
Wind 0 mph
Relative humidity 15% relative
Pressure 29.97 inHg
Observation at kl 9:00 PM. The weather station Tehran-Mehrabad is 21 mi northwest of Qarchak.

Tehran Imam Khomeni Intl Airport|Imam Khomaini Intl Airport

5 mph
Clear sky
70 min ago
Max 89.6° 3:30 PM
Min 57.2° 6:30 AM
Dew point 24.8°
Wind 5 mph
Wind direction 190° Blowing from
Relative humidity 15% relative
Pressure 29.94 inHg
Observation at kl 8:30 PM. The weather station Tehran Imam Khomeni Intl Airport|Imam Khomaini Intl Airport is 24 mi west of Qarchak.

Karaj / Payam

5 mph
Clear sky
70 min ago
Max 84.2° 3:30 PM
Min 55.4° 3:30 AM
Dew point 30.2°
Wind 5 mph
Wind direction 10° Blowing from
Relative humidity 23% relative
Pressure 29.94 inHg
Observation at kl 8:30 PM. The weather station Karaj / Payam is 48 mi northwest of Qarchak.


2 mph
Clear sky
70 min ago
Max 77.0° 3:30 PM
Min 62.6° 4:30 AM
Dew point 66.2°
Wind 2 mph
Wind direction 190° Blowing from
Relative humidity 94% relative
Pressure 29.77 inHg
Observation at kl 8:30 PM. The weather station Noshahr is 85 mi north of Qarchak.


5 mph
Clear sky
70 min ago
Max 84.2° 4:30 PM
Min 51.1° 6:30 AM
Dew point 33.8°
Wind 5 mph
Wind direction 360° Blowing from
Relative humidity 30% relative
Pressure 29.97 inHg
Observation at kl 8:30 PM. The weather station Ghazvin is 104 mi northwest of Qarchak.


2 mph
70 min ago
Max 77.0° 4:30 PM
Min 63.0° 6:30 AM
Dew point 66.2°
Wind 2 mph
Wind direction 240° Blowing from
Relative humidity 83% relative
Pressure 29.85 inHg
Observation at kl 8:30 PM. The weather station Ramsar is 113 mi northwest of Qarchak.

Dashte-Naz|Sari Desht E Naz

5 mph
Clear sky
70 min ago
Max 82.4° 1:30 PM
Min 62.6° 12:30 AM
Dew point 66.2°
Wind 5 mph
Wind direction 90° Blowing from
Relative humidity 94% relative
Pressure 29.8 inHg
Observation at kl 8:30 PM. The weather station Dashte-Naz|Sari Desht E Naz is 123 mi northeast of Qarchak.


0 mph
40 min ago
Max 80.6° 3:00 PM
Min 60.8° 6:00 AM
Dew point 68.0°
Wind 0 mph
Relative humidity 100% relative
Pressure 29.83 inHg
Observation at kl 9:00 PM. The weather station Rasht is 163 mi northwest of Qarchak.