Weather stations nearby Motuopae Island (Peach Island)

Tauranga Aerodrome Aws

7 mph
43 min ago
Max 69.4° 12:00 AM
Min 67.6° 2:00 AM
Dew point 63.5°
Wind 7 mph
Wind direction 280° Blowing from
Relative humidity 87% relative
Pressure 29.97 inHg
Observation at kl 2:00 AM. The weather station Tauranga Aerodrome Aws is 3 mi northeast of Motuopae Island (Peach Island).

Taupo Aws

9 mph
43 min ago
Max 64.4° 12:00 AM
Min 63.9° 1:00 AM
Dew point 58.5°
Wind 9 mph
Wind direction 30° Blowing from
Relative humidity 83% relative
Pressure 28.59 inHg
Observation at kl 2:00 AM. The weather station Taupo Aws is 72 mi south of Motuopae Island (Peach Island).

Auckland Airport

1 mph
43 min ago
Max 68.0° 2:00 AM
Min 66.2° 12:30 AM
Dew point 62.6°
Wind 1 mph
Wind direction 60° Blowing from
Relative humidity 83% relative
Pressure 30.0 inHg
Observation at kl 2:00 AM. The weather station Auckland Airport is 88 mi northwest of Motuopae Island (Peach Island).

Auckland Aerodrome Aws

1 mph
43 min ago
Max 67.1° 12:00 AM
Min 66.7° 2:00 AM
Dew point 62.6°
Wind 1 mph
Wind direction 60° Blowing from
Relative humidity 87% relative
Pressure 29.97 inHg
Observation at kl 2:00 AM. The weather station Auckland Aerodrome Aws is 88 mi northwest of Motuopae Island (Peach Island).

Hicks Bay Aws

5 mph
43 min ago
Max 62.4° 1:00 AM
Min 61.5° 2:00 AM
Dew point 57.6°
Wind 5 mph
Wind direction 200° Blowing from
Relative humidity 87% relative
Pressure 29.85 inHg
Observation at kl 2:00 AM. The weather station Hicks Bay Aws is 118 mi east of Motuopae Island (Peach Island).

Gisborne Aerodrome Aws

2 mph
43 min ago
Max 60.6° 12:00 AM
Min 55.2° 2:00 AM
Dew point 53.8°
Wind 2 mph
Wind direction 350° Blowing from
Relative humidity 95% relative
Pressure 29.97 inHg
Observation at kl 2:00 AM. The weather station Gisborne Aerodrome Aws is 120 mi southeast of Motuopae Island (Peach Island).

Waiouru Airstrip

3 mph
43 min ago
Max 53.4° 2:00 AM
Min 49.8° 1:00 AM
Dew point 52.0°
Wind 3 mph
Wind direction 30° Blowing from
Relative humidity 95% relative
Pressure 27.26 inHg
Observation at kl 2:00 AM. The weather station Waiouru Airstrip is 124 mi south of Motuopae Island (Peach Island).

Napier Aerodrome Aws

2 mph
43 min ago
Max 65.8° 12:00 AM
Min 58.6° 2:00 AM
Dew point 56.5°
Wind 2 mph
Wind direction 260° Blowing from
Relative humidity 93% relative
Pressure 29.97 inHg
Observation at kl 2:00 AM. The weather station Napier Aerodrome Aws is 127 mi south of Motuopae Island (Peach Island).