Weather stations nearby Kashan

Tehran Imam Khomeni Intl Airport|Imam Khomaini Intl Airport

9 mph
Clear sky
32 min ago
Max 37.4° 12:00 AM
Min 37.4° 12:00 AM
Dew point 15.8°
Wind 9 mph
Wind direction 270° Blowing from
Relative humidity 41% relative
Pressure 30.33 inHg
Observation at kl 12:00 AM. The weather station Tehran Imam Khomeni Intl Airport|Imam Khomaini Intl Airport is 101 mi north of Kashan.


2 mph
Clear sky
32 min ago
Max 28.4° 12:00 AM
Min 28.4° 12:00 AM
Dew point 8.6°
Wind 2 mph
Wind direction 10° Blowing from
Relative humidity 43% relative
Pressure 30.33 inHg
Observation at kl 12:00 AM. The weather station Esfahan is 106 mi south of Kashan.


0 mph
Clear sky
32 min ago
Max 41.0° 12:00 AM
Min 41.0° 12:00 AM
Dew point 19.4°
Wind 0 mph
Relative humidity 41% relative
Pressure 30.33 inHg
Observation at kl 12:00 AM. The weather station Tehran-Mehrabad is 118 mi north of Kashan.


2 mph
Clear sky
62 min ago
Max 55.4° 3:30 PM
Min 21.9° 6:30 AM
Dew point 15.8°
Wind 2 mph
Wind direction 310° Blowing from
Relative humidity 68% relative
Pressure 30.33 inHg
Observation at kl 11:30 PM. The weather station Shahre-Kord is 119 mi south of Kashan.

Karaj / Payam

9 mph
Clear sky
62 min ago
Max 55.4° 4:30 AM
Min 28.4° 6:30 AM
Dew point 21.2°
Wind 9 mph
Wind direction 280° Blowing from
Relative humidity 48% relative
Pressure 30.3 inHg
Observation at kl 11:30 PM. The weather station Karaj / Payam is 129 mi north of Kashan.


0 mph
Clear sky
62 min ago
Max 51.8° 3:30 PM
Min 19.4° 4:30 AM
Dew point 15.8°
Wind 0 mph
Relative humidity 68% relative
Pressure 30.36 inHg
Observation at kl 11:30 PM. The weather station Hamadan is 176 mi west of Kashan.


2 mph
Clear sky
62 min ago
Max 55.4° 2:30 PM
Min 28.4° 7:30 AM
Dew point 23.0°
Wind 2 mph
Relative humidity 74% relative
Pressure 26.02 inHg
Observation at kl 11:30 PM. The weather station Ghazvin is 177 mi northwest of Kashan.

Khorram Abad

5 mph
Clear sky
62 min ago
Max 62.6° 3:30 PM
Min 30.2° 7:30 AM
Dew point 28.4°
Wind 5 mph
Wind direction 120° Blowing from
Relative humidity 70% relative
Pressure 30.3 inHg
Observation at kl 11:30 PM. The weather station Khorram Abad is 185 mi west of Kashan.