Weather stations nearby Helsinki

Helsinki Kaisaniemi

4 mph
41 min ago
Max 53.6° 2:00 PM
Min 39.9° 4:00 AM
Dew point 37.2°
Wind 4 mph
Wind direction 30° Blowing from
Relative humidity 66% relative
Pressure 30.06 inHg
Observation at kl 7:00 PM. The weather station Helsinki Kaisaniemi is 1 mi north of Helsinki.

Hki Lapinlahti R

5 mph
5 min ago
Max 52.2° 4:31 PM
Min 40.5° 6:51 AM
Road temp 30.9°
Dew point 37.4°
Wind 5 mph
Gust 6 mph
Wind direction 20° Blowing from
Relative humidity 61% relative
Observation at kl 7:36 PM. The weather station Hki Lapinlahti R is 2 mi west of Helsinki.

Vaskisalmi R

2 mph
7 min ago
Max 53.2° 3:34 PM
Min 40.8° 6:34 AM
Road temp 31.1°
Dew point 37.6°
Wind 2 mph
Gust 4 mph
Wind direction 38° Blowing from
Relative humidity 63% relative
Observation at kl 7:34 PM. The weather station Vaskisalmi R is 3 mi west of Helsinki.

Tie 1 Helsinki Tarvo

3 mph
8 min ago
Max 52.7° 4:23 PM
Min 39.4° 6:23 AM
Road temp 30.6°
Dew point 38.7°
Wind 3 mph
Gust 4 mph
Wind direction 53° Blowing from
Relative humidity 71% relative
Observation at kl 7:33 PM. The weather station Tie 1 Helsinki Tarvo is 4 mi northwest of Helsinki.

Karhusaari R

4 mph
9 min ago
Max 52.9° 3:27 PM
Min 39.7° 6:32 AM
Road temp 30.2°
Dew point 36.3°
Wind 4 mph
Gust 6 mph
Wind direction 340° Blowing from
Relative humidity 61% relative
Observation at kl 7:32 PM. The weather station Karhusaari R is 4 mi west of Helsinki.

Pirkkola R

1 mph
6 min ago
Max 52.3° 4:15 PM
Min 38.3° 4:25 AM
Road temp 30.7°
Dew point 38.1°
Wind 1 mph
Gust 3 mph
Wind direction 335° Blowing from
Relative humidity 74% relative
Observation at kl 7:35 PM. The weather station Pirkkola R is 4 mi north of Helsinki.

Turvesuo R

2 mph
5 min ago
Max 52.9° 4:31 PM
Min 39.4° 6:06 AM
Road temp 29.5°
Dew point 37.8°
Wind 2 mph
Gust 3 mph
Wind direction 291° Blowing from
Relative humidity 69% relative
Observation at kl 7:36 PM. The weather station Turvesuo R is 5 mi west of Helsinki.

Helsinki Harmaja

11 mph
41 min ago
Max 52.2° 5:00 PM
Min 44.1° 8:00 AM
Dew point 39.2°
Wind 11 mph
Wind direction 40° Blowing from
Relative humidity 64% relative
Pressure 30.06 inHg
Observation at kl 7:00 PM. The weather station Helsinki Harmaja is 5 mi south of Helsinki.