Weather stations nearby Veselá


7 mph
Clear sky
23 min ago
Max 67.3° 12:00 PM
Min 44.6° 5:00 AM
Dew point 36.0°
Wind 7 mph
Wind direction 140° Blowing from
Relative humidity 31% relative
Pressure 28.64 inHg
Observation at kl 12:00 PM. The weather station Liberec is 20 mi northwest of Veselá.


7 mph
Clear sky
23 min ago
Max 48.0° 12:00 PM
Min 37.2° 4:00 AM
Dew point 26.1°
Wind 7 mph
Wind direction 230° Blowing from
Relative humidity 42% relative
Pressure 24.78 inHg
Observation at kl 12:00 PM. The weather station Sniezka is 22 mi northeast of Veselá.


7 mph
23 min ago
Max 52.2° 12:00 PM
Min 36.3° 4:00 AM
Dew point 27.7°
Wind 7 mph
Wind direction 190° Blowing from
Relative humidity 39% relative
Observation at kl 12:00 PM. The weather station Snezka is 22 mi northeast of Veselá.

Jelenia Gora

11 mph
Clear sky
23 min ago
Max 68.5° 12:00 PM
Min 33.4° 5:00 AM
Dew point 35.1°
Wind 11 mph
Wind direction 70° Blowing from
Relative humidity 29% relative
Pressure 28.85 inHg
Observation at kl 12:00 PM. The weather station Jelenia Gora is 32 mi northeast of Veselá.


7 mph
23 min ago
Max 68.0° 12:00 PM
Min 39.9° 5:00 AM
Dew point 41.0°
Wind 7 mph
Wind direction 90° Blowing from
Relative humidity 37% relative
Pressure 29.26 inHg
Observation at kl 12:00 PM. The weather station Pardubice is 41 mi southeast of Veselá.


7 mph
Clear sky
23 min ago
Max 68.0° 12:00 PM
Min 39.2° 4:00 AM
Dew point 42.8°
Wind 7 mph
Relative humidity 40% relative
Pressure 30.06 inHg
Observation at kl 12:00 PM. The weather station Pardubice is 42 mi southeast of Veselá.


8 mph
Clear sky
23 min ago
Max 66.2° 12:00 PM
Min 41.0° 5:00 AM
Dew point 41.0°
Wind 8 mph
Wind direction 120° Blowing from
Relative humidity 40% relative
Pressure 30.03 inHg
Observation at kl 12:00 PM. The weather station Caslav is 42 mi south of Veselá.


9 mph
23 min ago
Max 67.1° 12:00 PM
Min 40.1° 5:00 AM
Dew point 42.6°
Wind 9 mph
Wind direction 130° Blowing from
Relative humidity 41% relative
Pressure 29.21 inHg
Observation at kl 12:00 PM. The weather station Caslav is 43 mi south of Veselá.